The coolest human being alive. Someone who is skilled at shootin' stuff and thinks they own the world
That guy was a total K-Dawg. I wish I could be as cool as him.
by Pseudophone September 5, 2008
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Someone who is clever but won't tell or show until he's got you cornered or won. The hyper-smart individual who works in secret.

Characteristics of the second of the Noordin brothers from CommonHub.
Example: Steve Jobs, The second of the Noordin brothers, etc...

"Either he is a h-dawg or he cheated on that test."
by Kam Choor August 9, 2006
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A douche, some one who took their first letter of their name like a unattractive poser to sound cool.
"That C-dawg kid is so creepy dude!"-Collin
"Ya I know theres something not right with him"-Me
by nflkid1919 December 9, 2010
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A person of Aboriginal descent who lives on a rural reservation or Rez and portrays themselves as a urban street thug or gangsta.
by Littlelove January 3, 2007
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To smash a girl without a condom.
"Last night I Raw Dawged this little slut. I did not pull out either"
by Andrew Kim November 24, 2007
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(noun): A straight fucking g! someone who gets jacked at the gym everyday, drinks protein shakes, and basically just likes to bro out with his bros.

(verb): To take home a random bar skank and fuck the shit out of her without a condom. That is before you fall victim to whiskey dick.
1. Damnn mad dawg, go easy on the protein shakes.. that's your fifth one today!

2. You gotta stop mad dawgin dem hoes, or your going to catch a case of the herps.
by kansas sweetheart August 9, 2010
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One of the "homies" in your friendly ghetto neighbourhood that you would normally refer to without getting bitch slapped.
1: "Yo G dawg, wazzup?"
2: "See dat snowflake over dar?"
1: "Ye ye, that's the shiz I'm talking about right derrr!"
by Vixtertrickbox April 8, 2006
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