Another name for Great Lakes Christmas Ale because of its crack like characteristics. Unlike traditional brews, it is only offered for 2 months out of the year, thus making people go crazy trying to consume as much as possible. Due to it's alcohol content and smooth rich flavor, often victims of it's use become belligerent, punching walls, kissing the floor, speaking in tongues, and black-out quality memory.
Jay: Dude, did you see Dean over there, he has crazy eyes and I can't understand anything he's saying.
Matt: It's cool. It's the holidays and he has been enjoying alot of Christmas Crack
Jay: Tis the Season


You could tell when it is getting close to the end of the Holiday season because its hard to your hands on Christmas Crack
by citybytheBay November 6, 2009
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Allston Christmas is September 1st in Boston. Massachusetts, USA. With the hundreds of thousands of college students that move into, out of, and across Boston on September 1st, there is a great deal of furniture and other household items that are either left temporarily or discarded on the sidewalks of Allston, Brighton, Mission Hill, The Fenway, Cambridge, Brookline, and other student-rich sections of the Boston area. Allston 'Christmas' refers to the bounty of "new" stuff that one can easily acquire free of cost simply by walking down to the sidewalk and running off with it back into your own apartment. Much of the items that are left on the sidewalk are free to take because people can't fit them into their new apartment or don't have enough space in the truck to move them. However, many of the items are simply left on the sidewalk temporarily and are rummaged (read: 'stolen') by the neighbors in the chaos that is the city of Boston on Septemer 1st.
I got a new microwave for Allston Christmas -- it was free and delivered right to my door! I love moving day!


I need a new table, but I don't have any money. Good thing Allston Christmas is coming up. Five-finger discounts for the win!
by JohnJohnGoose April 28, 2008
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The practice of dumpster diving around University of Pennsylvania facilities and Dorms. This usually can be done with out any shame, since the general stereotype of people that go to UPenn is that of rich if not financially stable families. This activity is also based of the stereotype of rich and financially stable people being extremely wasteful. Throwing out a red ring of death xbox 360 instead of ebaying it or attempting to fix it is an example of the wastefulness that can result in a Penn Christmas
Two people walking down the street outside of penn dorm.
Dude 1: damn look at that 360 in that trash bag
Dude 2: penn christmas !!!

further down the street in the next trash can
Dude 1: omg look at all those plastic hangers in that trash bag
Dude 2: Penn Christmas !!!

further down the street outside of a penn frat house
Dude 1: omg is that a full 12pack of natty ice?
Dude 2: it's expired...
Dude 1: f that penn christmas !!
by feldrast September 12, 2011
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a term used by gamers to describe kids who get their hands on a popular videogame on christmas day. Upon this, the fun of the game is destroyed.
Halo 3 was a fun game until the christmas kids invaded. Now I can't join a game without hearing the annoying voices of 12 year olds.
by tonitewedineinhell July 11, 2008
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A phenomenon where the Christmas season starts earlier and earlier each year.
If they don't keep the Christmas creep under control, the season will start in June before we know it.
by quackle April 20, 2005
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It means to have sad Christmas, perhaps because you are away from family or alone, or even filled with thoughts of a happier time that brings tears to you eye. Blue is a symbolic color for the emotion sad.
"I'll have a Blue Christmas without you
I'll be so blue just thinking about you" - Elvis Presley in Blue Christmas
by ChrisPunchkill December 22, 2014
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A rare plant found in the yetti's den. It is much like a mistletoe, except you must fuck the other person.
Josh: Oh, looks like we're under the christmas dingle. We have to fuck.
Granpappy: Ok, be gentile
by Ben McLaky January 1, 2008
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