A friend that bails on all sorts of activities such as golfing, bowling etc. Pronounced (BAIL)-ey.
What do you know, BAILey doesn’t want to bowl any more fucking douche
by Riverboat69 September 3, 2018
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Rude, insecure, bitch who likes to make up lies about someone to make them feel bad about themselves. Is miserable and wants everybody to feel the same. Backstabbing friend stealer. Runs her mouth about every one. Can't trust a Bailey.
Don't be a Bailey.
Stop you are being a real Bailey lately.
The way she acts you'd think her name was Bailey.
by KINGKYLIE❤ March 15, 2017
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1. A social outcast. usually a girl who has incompetent communication skills with peers and frequently attempts miserably to imput a joke or story to amend her social status but instead lowers them.

2. A passing stage a male may go through where he displays the same qualities and behaviours a female may go through during menstration

3. The left nut of a hippo covered in pubes
Girl1: oh my gosh look at that loner

Girl2: yeah she's such a bailey

Guy1: Calm down! It's alright

Guy2: don't worry about him, he's having a bailey


Oh fuck look under that hippo! that's a big muthafuqen bailey ain't it!
by Ultimate knowledge June 11, 2014
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Person 1: do you know Bailey

Person 2: yeah he’s fuckin class
Person 1: ano
by Borussia teeth January 7, 2018
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Bailey is a name originating from Greece meaning gay. It is usually given to the babies from the parents because they know their child will be a failure. Not only does Bailey mean gay but it also means a failure.
Person 1 - "Oh I'm going to name my baby Bailey"
Person 2 - "So he's THAT kind of baby"
Person1 - "Yep"
by tramp united February 19, 2018
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He is a Gay ass bitch who likes Taco Bell and drinks Mtn Dew like a dick and he has a bad reputation in Fortnite
Don’t be a bailey... if u do get out of my life.
by OtherGuys2169 May 15, 2018
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Bailey is someone who, while at first may seem extremely nice and outgoing will soon become a total bitch. She is probably the fakest person you could ever meet and will tell any and everything you tell her. She is completely obsessed with herself, she thinks that she is the prettiest and funniest and she thinks all guys want her. Even though she may seem amazing at first don’t be fooled she will hurt you in a million different ways. Honestly she is probably a sociopath and her goal in life is to hurt as many people as possible. She may be pretty but her personality makes her the ugliest person alive.
Friend: Wow I can’t belive she would do that! You: Yeah well she’s definitely pulling a Bailey.
by donewithfakebitches November 26, 2018
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