The act of finishing a bag of nearly empty chips (or other snack food) by tipping the bag upside down and allowing gravity to pull the crumbly remains into your mouth.
"Man, these Sweet-Chili Heat Doritos were so good I'm gonna JK the bag to get all the crumbs!"
by Fourth Ambassador April 23, 2018
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JK:2 Letters they stand for "Just Kidding," jk = Just Kidding
by dictinoryguy104124 March 4, 2018
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what you say when you say something you regret
i just had to poop a lot
by IM BANJO October 15, 2019
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Short for junkie meant by a person that takes drugs
Did you here Jim’s been smoking weed.
Yeah I have he’s a proper jk
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Jk is when someone says there joking but really there saying fuck you and they mean it and they say jk just to not act like a douchebag
Jonh: your an ugly fucking troll get fucked bitch

Harry: what?

John: jk!

Harry: oh few thank God you were just kidding
by Dommmmmmm August 26, 2020
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-what does jk stand for? Just kidding or joking?
-joking you dumb fuck
by sandwichestho March 9, 2018
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JK Supply Drop
"JK Supply Drop! JK Supply Drop!!" *puts piece of bread in JK's backpack*
by yeebingus December 1, 2020
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