The best number ever. 999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999.
Person 1: 9
Person 2: I love nine.
by i hate you with rainbows March 3, 2023
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Used in Hong Kong

Pronunciation: "gau" (the number "9" in Cantonese)

Literal meaning: penis (n.)

Pragmatic Meaning: stupid; pointless; ridiculous; making something pointless, ridiculous or useless
Usually used as an adjective or an adverb in Hong Kong English
More: on9, on99, 9gag,
Adj.: This idea is 9. (This idea is stupid.)
Adj.: 9 people make 9 suggestions. (Stupid people make stupid suggestions.)
Adj.: I won't take the 9railway. It costed Hongkongers a bloody USD$8.60 billion for a slower train service with collapsing terminals. (I won't take High-Speed Rail Link between Hong Kong and China. It costed Hongkongers a bloody USD$8.60 billion for a slower train service with collapsing terminals.)
Adv.: "Tag 9 him." (Fucking tag him on Facebook)
Adv. & Adj.: "I 9did my assignment. It was a 9 topic anyway." (I not-giving-a-fuck-did my assignment. It was a ridiculous/pointless/stupid topic anyway.)
by DrDtheHKlishGuru March 18, 2019
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“I have an unhealthy addiction to the movie 9”
by September 18, 2022
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the number after 10
by Pamela Ye April 18, 2018
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Woah, calm down Jamal...don't pull out the 9.....(Laughter)
by Cameran442113 December 31, 2022
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Code for when an adult/parent/teacher whatever is listening, watching, etc.
Person one: "Yeah she said she was going to hook up with-"
Person two: "9"
Person one: "..."
by SushiMelon August 12, 2017
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9 is a slang for 9mm handgun. If someone says they are gonna put a 9 in you, it means they are gonna shoot you.
1: What's up dickheads? Ugly fat idiots!

2: if you don't shut your fucking mouth I'll put a 9 in you!
by Purpose Inc. January 3, 2017
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