A penis with a dirt covering resembling the color of "Sweet Baby Ray's" barbecue sauce. Commonly found in the poverty regions of south India.
"Look! It's 'sweet ray ray.'"

"The girl wanted to see 'sweet ray ray' after a nice meal."
by DMTripper1111 May 28, 2009
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The speaker “half doomed” and the other person “semi-sweet” insinuates that although separately they’re only halves of a whole, together they complete each other.
by Vampirejerk May 21, 2023
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Used to describe something which is so awesome that when it is gone, those who experienced it feel empty and let down.
"Man, when Christ walked the earth that was shitty-sweet"
by Nick Ashley April 14, 2005
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Cool Philly slang for anything sweet like candy.
Man, that Perez sure loves his sugga sweets. He can't get enough of that dark chocolate.
by TheOneAndOnlyManny July 24, 2019
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