A man with enough body fat, to eradicate the surface of the planet. In some religions he is looked up to, as some sort of bringer of doom ( aka a god ). He tends to use his powers, whenever his followers dissobey him, and uses them to start wars all over the solar system.
Man 1 Hey, why are you so depressed?
Man 2 I'm thinking about Peter Ahrens. What if he decides to destroy out planet with his body fat.
Man 1 Don't worry about it. I'm sure he liked our offerings from yesterday.
by Kenshin_ October 11, 2019
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A person who is related to the griffin family or is a fatass, or is one with the griffin.
"I'm sorry sir, but it appears to seem like you are Peter Griffining."
"Have you been Peter Griffining recently?"
by AL4137 February 12, 2022
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That one guy from aquantance person
Peter Whirly Bird Griffin commin' at ya in a sizzling hot Sunday afternoon
by RoseRed669 January 23, 2023
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Peter's mum is an all around nice and sexy lady, she do be kinda gay tho, oh well she is good at playing the trombone. smh.
Random fat dude: "Yooo, its Peter's mum, lol, im gonna rape the fuck out of you"
by Init ye maa February 1, 2021
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An absolute unit of an alpha male who perfects everything he does. He prohibits his children from playing video games and sells houses for a living.
Damn that guy is smart, he must be a Peter Shao!
by minermatics October 15, 2020
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A Peter Tokem; n. A small amount of marijuana stashed away for emergencies like Hurricanes or other Disaster.
Steve, look in my trunk, I stashed a Peter Tokem for emergencies.
by Dacomic October 9, 2014
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