Sophie is the best person you will ever meet. She has a great sense of humor and she’s gorgeous. She loves her friends and is super protective and supportive. Sophie’s normally have brown hair and brown eyes that will melt you. Sophie is the best friend you could ever ask for but an even better girlfriend. She’s as graceful as a swan and she looks like an angel. The only downside is she can’t spell very well.
Girl 1: Whoaaaaa who’s that hottie
Girl 2: Oh that’s Sophie, Anna’s girlfriend
by Lover69420 July 20, 2022
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Sophie- A legit awesome friend. She is an amazing person and crazy at drawing. She is a great friend to have, but if you get on her bad side say your prayers and hope you go to heaven. She is always willing to lend a hand. Always be friends with Sophie!
Did you know Sophie is one of the best artists in the school?
by ClaireBear🐻 December 31, 2022
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best damn friend in the world (excluding me of course). nothing wrong with her (she does swear a lot though) and she is a nice person (some of the time). she will be there for you no matter what (unless she is eating then you gotta wait a sec) and she is really fun. don’t piss her off though
“Is that Sophie”

Yeah she’s really great 👍”
by marchRose3 May 16, 2021
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Sophie has the clearest skin you will ever see, she is always glowing and so loving. when she loves she loves hard and is often falling for the pretty ones. She is destined to turn lesbian, she loves to collect terrible photos of her friends and use it against them, especially this one special guy friend that she is secretly crushing on, she thinks he's so hot.
"Hey is that Sophie Maxwell?"
"Yea she's like the hottest in the school"
by Curlypubes69 June 26, 2023
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A VERY clumsy girl. Trips over her feet, and down the stairs. Always sprains an ankle when she falls. She probably lost her glasses in the ocean. Haha dang. She thinks she’s way better than you and then trips over herself again. Goes delirious a lot. Maybe too much?? A big bookworm though. (This is for a specific type of Sophie btw)
“Sophie did you sprain your ankle again? What the heck that’s the third time this week”
by dirt_soup November 10, 2021
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Sophies are hot , sexy and cute at the same time , they make life better just by existing , they are the sweeetest , and most badass women you will ever encounter .

They are strong individuals who love to deal with things themselves , they are mysterious and intriguing to men .. AND WOMEN TOO!

Sophies are important , keep them in your life !
Oi you know that gyal sophie

Shes maddddd PENG you know !
by The real teller December 4, 2019
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a goddamn hott girl. biggest boobs known to man, very slutty, sexy in bed, great when grinding. tall, skinny, and has the tiniest feet.
When I'm with Sophie, I feel fucking horny. I love her.
by udontknomelikdt13211145 November 9, 2006
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