A nigga that is always in need of money.If you see him around make sure to give 10$ hard cash.If your feeling generous give bro a lil $20.
by Jake Clubber November 21, 2021
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When you're having sexual intercourse with a girl from behind, you stop and as soon as she ask's why you stopped you hit her over the head with a pineapple.
Dude I pulled the Pineapple delay against Michelle last night.
by killerbee4747 March 7, 2016
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Doom Loop Delay (or DLD for short) is when a Doom Looper (someone who watches the same TV show over and over again) has been so entrenched in their Doom Loop, that they have become out of touch with current affairs & TV shows. Shows they haven't seen seem like they were released yesterday, although most non loopers have probably seen them already. There are varying degrees of DLD, from mild to severe.
Doom Looper in the year 2020; Hey friend, have you seen "Making a Murderer"? Its this CRAZY TV documentary show!
Friend of Doom Looper; Yeah, that came out like 4 years ago? Did you only just see that?
Doom Looper in the year 2020; Yeah I just finished it yesterday...

Friend of Doom Looper; What? What have you been doing?

Doom Looper in the year 2020; I was watching "The Office" for the 645th time...
Friend of Doom Looper; I think you're suffering from Doom Loop Delay.

Doom Looper in the year 2020; That's what she said.
by Det. Lloyd Gross November 14, 2020
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When someone comes back and tells you something, usually a song you showed them is actually good.

SpongeBob: Hey Patrick, have you listened to Sweet Victory?
Patrick: Yeah, but it's not really that good.

*two weeks later*

Patrick: Okay, it's a great song.
SpongeBob: I knew you'd have delayed taste.
by astroboto August 4, 2021
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The time it takes for a thought to register in the brain. especially after someone tells a joke, and it takes the other person a moment before they get it. This delay is known to be longer in blondes.
Bob told a joke, and Sally just stared at him for a moment with a blank expression. Then suddenly she started laughing hilariously. "Sorry, just a little satellite delay."
by Max420 April 1, 2011
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something pepole use when they can’t play on something really big
guy 1:i have screen delay
guy 2: no your just bad
by 😹😹🧩👩‍🦳 June 12, 2021
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