An elite gamers butt. This butt is usually shaped in a way the gamer usually finds the most comfortable on their throne (Usually an expensive gaming chair), allowing the gamer to play without any pelvic pain while yelling at their teammates in CS:GO or while grinding XP in their Minecraft mob grinder.
Girl 1: I went out with a guy last night and when we went to fuck I noticed that his ass was weirdly shaped"
Girl 2: Girl he had a Throne Butt, you don't need a man like that"
by PeePeeAssLauncher January 4, 2019
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This i where you are going for the practically you go for the throne with anyone and you go very hard in the paint and fuck with them heavily with out a second doubt
Omg Jared just brought that girl in his room,he’s going for the throne!
by Ohyeahbaby June 14, 2018
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The act of intentionally revealing plot details and twists to Game Of Thrones to someone who has not yet seen that episode in the series for the purposes of ruining their viewing experience/lives.
Person 1: Dude, Eddard Stark got beheaded!
Person 2: Fuck! I haven't seen that episode yet!?!
Person 1: I know, I totally just throne fucked you!
by Hamdizzle April 12, 2015
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Whenever some is acting like a king/boss of someone or others with no reason or right of the ownership of their power. Cardboard since it has no meaning and just a fake version of its original state.
Guy 1: Dude why are we always forced to follow his rules?!
Guy 2: Thats it. It's time to show him that his "Cardboard Throne" means nothing.
by AgentReaps January 25, 2023
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I shall puke on your face because it is my puke throne.
by Yung Alpaca November 17, 2013
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Something you might find yourself on after a long night of bad decision making. This usually involves quite a large dose of shame, an upset stomach and frequent flushing.
After a late night which included 8 beers and 5 shots followed up by a Crave Case, Andrew spent his Sunday in close proximity to the travesty throne.
by Rocker-D-Licious December 26, 2014
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A penis. The bean being the vagina, and the throne being the male genitalia.
"Lemme pop a squat on yo bean throne"

The happy trail led straight to his bean throne.
by pijjypooge April 4, 2013
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