2 definitions by PeePeeAssLauncher

An elite gamers butt. This butt is usually shaped in a way the gamer usually finds the most comfortable on their throne (Usually an expensive gaming chair), allowing the gamer to play without any pelvic pain while yelling at their teammates in CS:GO or while grinding XP in their Minecraft mob grinder.
Girl 1: I went out with a guy last night and when we went to fuck I noticed that his ass was weirdly shaped"
Girl 2: Girl he had a Throne Butt, you don't need a man like that"
by PeePeeAssLauncher January 4, 2019
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A miserably executed knock. Knorks are nearly silent and somehow hurt your hand, resulting in eternal shame and embarrasement.
Guy 1:"I was going to meet up with a girl I liked, but I knorked on her door, so now there's no going back for me"
Guy 2:"That sucks man"
by PeePeeAssLauncher January 4, 2019
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