Definition A: When media organizations, prominent people (or both) claim there is no evidence for something despite the opposite being true.

Definition B: When media organizations, prominent people (or both) claim that something true is actually false or misleading in order to perpetuate a preferred narrative.
Media Organization: " The damaging video being shared online which shows the President in a bad light is fake"

Person: "It's literally the same unaltered video that your news organization shared LIVE two hours before you realized it was damaging to your Party's narrative. STOP LAPTOPPING US, you're insulting our intelligence and destroying YOUR credibility
by EndMediaBias June 19, 2024
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When you sit on someone's lap until you get uncomfortably warm
We weren't having sex I was just laptopping her
by Definedgarrot November 21, 2016
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When a mentally unstable greek man accidentally creates the first self-aware artificial intelligence on his laptop by downloading porn viruses.
Recorded video from unknown origin: "The year is 2100, the sentient laptop has reduced every city into a nuclear wasteland. The rest of us are being picked off one by one"
by Popcorntime69 February 11, 2022
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When a guy spends alot of time on his laptop his girlfriend/wife may get jealous, and call it miss laptop, which derives from the word lap dancer.
your wife/gf may see you spending alot of time on your laptop and say" ooh look at you playing with miss laptop" in a jealous unfriendly manner.
by Snarly June 26, 2010
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Typical excuse when shit goes wrong. Even when you’re in the cloud.
Them: why are you getting an error?

You: I’m running an entire bank on my laptop.
by JajajajaDoplhin October 3, 2019
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A windows laptop is something you spend to much money on and it gets a virus.
Ally: Hey! I got the new laptop!
You: Why is there a flashing screen telling you to call a number?
Ally: God damn it. Stupid windows laptop.
by Sassy mouse in the sky sass April 29, 2020
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Spending an excessive amount of time on the Brickie’s Laptops.
Boys I can’t come tonight I have a serious case of laptop back.
by Davico June 30, 2019
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