Having a quickie with a random person that you met in a bar, or literally any other public place, and doing so in that place.
Hey girl. Wanna have a quick pickle?
by regikeegus December 18, 2015
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This term is used as an substitute for a “bad” word and is mostly used by children and pre-teens.
by VIC1IM March 19, 2021
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A term for a homosexual, referring to a pickle as a penis and stuffing it up their ass.
John is such a pickle stuffer, he loves the dick!
by Mr_Casual August 16, 2009
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Pickles that are hidden in a sandwich.
Claire gets mad when hidden pickles are discovered.
by jessicagyoung October 5, 2013
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when a pickle is shoved in thy anus and you squeeze it then lick the juices
i let her pickle lickle me last night
by use the pickle May 19, 2022
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The act of shoving a pickle up ones asshole
Little Jim felt he needed to do some pickle piercing
by pickle piercer March 13, 2016
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