a man excessively concerned with his clothes, grooming, and manners
by ........ May 20, 2004
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The filler word for when you don't know a name you were told 30 sec ago.
guy 1: Hi my name is ryan
guy 2: Nice to meet you my name is ronald

-----1 min later-----
guy 1: Wanna go get some food?
guy 2 : sure dude
by LilCryBabyBitch October 19, 2019
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An infected hair on an elephants butt.
While visiting the local zoo, the proctologist examined the dude pro bono.
by DaHunck April 6, 2015
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A word used to address a male who is kinda cool.
Surfer guy in 1982: DUDE! THAT WAVE WAS GNARLY MAN!
Another guy: I KNOW RIGHT DUDE
by TallestStatue28 June 12, 2023
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The point I use to make flymsi look like the stupid pauper that he is
Flymsi was shocked when he found the definition of dude on the Internet and promptly ingested a lot of dicks
by Yougetwhatyouaskfor November 17, 2019
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A fashionable male well attired and shoed. Typically 'dude' is an affectionate but somewhat comical salutation usually by one male to another, a bromance word.
Hey dude how did your date go?
by ALDO10 July 3, 2020
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