The face one has when driving home after eating too much caramel indulgence cake.

Also refers to a permanent facial condition caused by over using the popular narcotic, "Sleep".
Caramel cake was a bad choice, should have went with the molten volcano vanjmoresdf? cake instead. Now I have to drive all the way home with total sleep face.


Check out that chicks sleep face, looks like it has been cold boiled for hours!
by Fantana2012 June 4, 2013
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When you have a stomach bug and shit yourself in your sleep and stay asleep through it.
I had a bad stomach bug last week and woke up to a sleeping dragon.
by Ghostfart April 7, 2022
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Me right now, why do you think i am wirting this? Its when you are on your phone or reading a book and you are too tired to put it down so you just continue becoming more and more tired
Me:its 2:55Am! I need sleep but...i am too tired to sleep
by You_are_fool October 23, 2022
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A woman who is a slut during the day and even while sleeping at night, tends to take rock hard cocks in every possible hole.
I had sex with that sleeping slut last night, but so did my two friends.
by BlakeTheSnakeDager September 5, 2016
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When you get little to no sleep and thus are super hyper/weirdly energetic as a result as if you are on crack.
Person 2: Someone's on sleep crack
by Taylen Wish January 19, 2019
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The layer of filth that covers you during slumber.
Me: “The inside of your ear looks shiny
Greg Clifford: “Oh that’s just from my sleep jizzum
by GW Dunston December 31, 2019
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