a term used by the brault guy when he pulls up to kustomwerx autobody in that van and has that flip phone and needs to get the check for paint supplies and materials
"hey there partner how ya doing, ima need to get that check, you got that check?
by getthatcheck1 May 17, 2014
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That final moment of clarity when he realizes that the “sports” bar his chatty, new male friends have taken him to is in fact a gay bar
Denver was great except that we missed that great , little vinyl lounge because the insurance agent need a Rocky Mountain Reality Check.
by GungaDinn May 19, 2024
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Just some faggy wordplay on fact-checking.
Someone will try to fag-check me into oblivion. But I'm prepared, because I'm going to delete my comment.
by felixh June 20, 2016
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When someone covertly questions your sexuality in a round about way as to avoid suspicion.
Girlfriend to boyfriend: Babe I was just wondering ... if you could have a three way with any other dude who would it be?

Boyfriend: I don't know...Brad Pitt?

Girlfriend: I knew it!!!

Boyfriend: I can't believe you just did a fag check
by Bucktavius June 9, 2017
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“Spork Check”

Background: In certain mental hospitals, plastic sporks are the only eating utensil issued to patients. When a patient is going to throw their trash away, they must show a nurse that their spork is intact while disposing of it. This is to avoid patients potentially harming themselves or others with the spork.
Everyone please line up by the trash can for your spork check.
by applebottomjeans12 May 13, 2020
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Reference to a check received from a recently deceased relative that was loaded and has happened to have left most of their money to one individual.
Have you gotten your death checks in the mail yet? Your uncle must've had it made.
by Shae Dickinson November 21, 2007
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Taken from the times miners had a Canary down in the mine shafts to detect deadly gasses, this is a check of a toilet after destroying it with your bodily waste to make sure it's clear.
"I'm just gonna use the loo."
"Hang on. I was in there. Let me give it a Canary Check."
by Sir_Rutto September 10, 2019
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