The perfect setting for the 15 buhgillion high school drama. and the only place where a 30 year old actor can play an 18 year old.
Girl: Did you catch "High School Drama" last night.

Guy : no

Girl: well, lindsey was caught sleeping with Jeff, Tiffany's boyfriend and they had this HUGE argument. OMG there is so much drama, the show is the best show ever.

Guy : Why do you need to see what happens everyday renacted on the television?

Girl: Because Jeff is really hot.

Guy : Gesh
by Who The Douce Are You? April 15, 2005
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A place where all your hopes of life are crushed, burned and buried. Where kids pressure you to do drugs and lose your virginity. Where kids trip you in the hall and make fun of your puberity covered face. living hell fuckkkin teachers lie and get you in trouble fer no reason. cause most of them are on crack themselves.. hardd;;; thts just how it is.
kid1: damnnn!
kid2: what?
kid1: i see ponies,,, O_o
kid2: are you fucking high?
kid1: ahhhhheee ponny.
kid2: where the hell did you get drugs man?
kid1: mr. bachmann.
kid2: from wherrre?
kid1: middle school....
kid2: wtf.
by [[lover in hell. September 16, 2008
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From kindergarten to grade eight, or it is sometimes called "elementary school".
"I haven't been fucked like that since grade school!" - Marla Singer, Fight Club
by Athena Kay September 23, 2004
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once you enter the school, a weird phenomenon appears where all the makeup disappears and your hair gets so greasy that you can cook fries in it
my bestie: ugh all my makeup literally disappeared
me: yea just school air i feel miserable
by onlyWs February 6, 2023
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Sandringham school, aka the prison that achieves good grades but fucks with your mental health, is run by a headteacher who is obsessed with Tim Peake the astronaut and STEM, and who seems to strongly dislike children.
The maths department is well known for its constant creation of new, bullshit rules, which shouldn't be allowed but are due to scary teachers, and the languages department for their rediculous hatred of Google Translate.

The art department has blocked sinks and a constant lack of equipment, despite Sandringham once being an arts school.
My years at Sandringham School were some of the shittiest of my life.
by SometimesLifeIsShit March 4, 2019
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The deepest pit of Hell between the amazing years of elementary and high school. You get stabbed in the back, spend most of your time alone and in tears and cutting. The work load is ridiculous and all the teachers are constantly pissed off. Teachers have no sympathy because "they're preparing you for high school". Yeah no! High school teachers have souls. Have fun in the worst 3 years of your life.
Middle schools sucks ass. I made it through alive but just barely. My "best friend" left me all alone and I spent my days in a teacher's room alone.

High Schooler: Oh, what grade are you in??
Middle Schooler: 7th :/
High Schooler: Ohhh I'm so sorry it sucks huh?
Middle Schooler: YES!! I want it to die :(
by Rosethorns January 13, 2011
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Basically a popularity contest. It doesn't matter how many extra curriculars you are involved in, how well you speak, how you campaign, or how good your platform is. What only matters is how popular you are and what your lies are.
Today's School Elections:
Dustin: Hey Ben, who are you voting for?
Ben: I'm voting for Nic. He's really popular and he promised free donuts if he won.

Dustin: But what about Hannah? She's been on the Academic Team, in Science Club for 3 years and is involved in NJHS. She looks like she could do a really good job.
Ben: Yeah, but who is she? I'm voting for Nicc, cuz who doesn't like Nic?
What the elections should be:
Dustin: Hey Ben, who are you voting for?
Ben: I'm voting for Nic.
Dustin: Why? What has he done for the school?

Ben: I don't know. His speech wasn't that good, was it? That Hannah chic, her speech was really good.
Dustin: Yeah, you bet it was! I'm gonna vote for her! She's not only been on Academic Team and NJHS for 3 years, but she's been in Science Club, too. She's WAY more qualified than Nic is.

Ben: You're right. I'm voting for Hannah

So, that's how it is and how it should be.
by Ms. N. Nelson January 4, 2011
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