(Verb) The act of punk texting. Similar to that of drunk texting, to send a punk text is to make an ass of yourself via text message without being able to use the excuse that you were intoxicated while doing so. Sadly, a Punk Text is sent with a premeditated and completely coherent purpose.
Tarzan: "I think I might have punk dialed you lastnight after punk texting the person I stole this phone from."
Maryjane: "I already punkassumed you were going to."
by Slanguistic August 10, 2019
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When a Mother/Father/parental guidan is upset with you, and sends a essay instead of a text.
Person "I forgot to do the dishes before I left, and now I got a parent Text from my mom".
by i_love_fancy_bread September 12, 2022
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a person who focuses all there time on texting while with thier friends or around other people.
Hey man put your phone down and quit being such a text billy
by swanny 314 February 25, 2011
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: To have a disagreement or intense debate via texting or messaging
Alexandra if you continue to insist on having a Text Tussle every time we talk I’ll be forced to take drastic measures.
by Theogpseudonym May 23, 2019
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On September 24 you text your crush and it’s ok if *insert pronouns here* reject(s) you at least you don’t have to wonder what if
You: hey it’s National Text Your Crush Day so, wanna be my *were gonna say person*
Crush: omg yesss
by dëēź ñūtż September 21, 2021
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communication between two people in quick succession (generally, a real time discussion) via IM, text message, e-mail, or some other form of text-only communication.

This term is often used as a contrast to other kinds of communication such as a phone call, skype video conference, or just getting up and walking over to your buddy's dorm room.
Guy: Hey, babe, I've been at my computer all day working on my paper that was due tonight, I really don't feel like slinging text around right now.
by djh2600 October 19, 2010
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When Darlene starts texting in a group text and everyone stops because she is an idiot and no one likes her
We were all laughing our asses off in a group text until Darlene said something totally stupid and there was an immediate text silence...
by angelfood June 14, 2019
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