Phone bots are total assholes who tell you to press every button on your phone over one hundred times and play annoying ass music in your ear for hours and hours and hours "trying" to "connect you to a live speaker". Instead of connecting you to someone, they drop your ass and hang up after you sat in your chair going through the pain saking hours you just had to deal with, with the phone bot.
This phone bot has played this stupid song twenty times already, when the fuck are they going to pick up the fucking phone????
by BestBuyGuy October 26, 2014
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A cell phone that only is used to record sounds and work as an alarm clock.
The Lil kid has a sound phone to remind him to get up in the morning.
by Nukeshot July 20, 2017
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When one microscopic water drop lands on your phone and makes your phone tweet a slur
Guy 1: Dude your Twitter got suspended
Guy 2: Yea i was dealing with a Hydrophilic phone

Guy 1: Dam I hate when that happens
by January 3, 2023
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Answering yes to the pending question
Not picking up the phone

Person 1: calls person 2

Person 2: doesn't answer

Person 1: that means yes.
by Joseph Stoneley August 12, 2021
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A phone operator who transfers calls to specific departments within a company is referred to as Phone Oping.

An agent that operates some apparatus or machine; "the operator of the switchboard"
“Thank you for calling, how may I direct your call?” This person is phone oping.
by Westside Rentals August 2, 2009
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