A fail troll insult used by console fanboys to shame gamers who play on multiple gaming consoles and possibly PC.
The multi-platform simps got cucked by the great Phil Spencer because there was no mention of Halo or Xbox Game Pass going to Nintendo Switch.
by Harambe25 April 4, 2022
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Me vs. You. Also known as two people who are talking where the girl is needy and the guy is a simp, but the guy refuses to admit that he is a simp and in return calls the girl a simp even though she is just needy.
Damn, that girl Kim is needy as fuck, but that guy Trevor is a simp. It's a Needy vs. Simp situation.
by 0001020304050607080900 January 29, 2021
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The highest of all simps. The best of the worst. A way to suggest someone is climbing out of an undesirable position while still being acknowledging they are not quite out of the life.
"I heard they was a simp"
"Yeah well they're more like an arch simp now, at least they're trying"
by 0db April 2, 2021
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When you wingman a Simp yet you are not a simp yourself.
"Today I helped Elliot get this girl he was after."

"You mean that simp? So you're basically his Assistant Simp?"
by Sh0rtkakke March 25, 2020
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Adam D'Angelo is the biggest simp in the world for collins. Simpey boi adam is what people call him.
Adam D'angelo the Simp will simp for collins and collins only
by Adam the simp September 25, 2020
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A Simp that will do anything for a woman(hoe) that doesn’t care about them, basically she is playing mind games

Simp revenge is a man who has seek revenge *Emotionally not physically* missed opportunities for a female he had once cared about. Basically what I’m saying here is that bitch missed out, that simp had great thoughts in his mind that could have made him very successful with this hoe. But you guys know hoes will be hoes
Simp revenge is a man who has seek revenge *Emotionally not physically* missed opportunities for a female he had once cared about. Basically what I’m saying here is that bitch missed out, that simp had great thoughts in his mind that could have made him very successful with this hoe. But you guys know hoes will be hoes. We can’t find Captain save a hoe😂
by Instagram @antiodyssey March 13, 2020
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What you call a man when he weighs 17 pounds and simps on every girl at Holy Cross.
Lucas is a King Simp (a.k.a. Flat Simp).
by HoldItDownForTheTown May 24, 2020
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