Being backwards in philosophy is using the most vulgar, insane, terrorizing, antagonizing, and grotesque methods possible or employable in order to establish oneself.
I was using backwards philosophy in direction when I started attacking the helpless while at war.
by Kevin P. Olson July 30, 2022
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A belief that one should practice good boi behavior in order to maximize the positive in life.

In addition, you should follow or surround yourself with people who have good boi character and behavior if u are having a hard time escaping bad influences/behavior
She should start using good doggo philosophy because her exes have all been abusive
by Goodboi21 September 3, 2021
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Someone who is addicted to philosophy. This can have both a positive and a negative meaning. It could simply be an enthusiast, or someone who's obsessed with faux self-help pseudophilosophy, which causes them to have a twisted self image and worldview.
I just like watching philosophy videos on Youtube. I'm not some philosophy junkie, I swear!
by Nugsson May 31, 2022
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Conceptual art with more emphasis on ideas than visual form.

Modern art is "3D philosophy" - artists create to flesh out there philosophy in space-time

Less emphasis on beauty and symmetry, more on breaking novel conceptual ground

(Coined by Tom Butler-Bowdon)
Warhol does more 3D philosophy than typical art
by nextjuliuscaesar March 28, 2022
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The idea that every election is between a giant douche and a turd sandwich. Especially applicable to the United States.
'i believe in the Douche and Turd philosophy"
"What is that?"
"I'm voting between a giant douche and a turd sandwich!"
"That's how it always is!"
by EG FRESH November 14, 2021
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an annoyingly cute little gremlin who likes funions and annoying her siblings
go tell philosophy to eat her gremlin food
by jawsay17 November 28, 2019
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an annoyingly cute little funion eating gremlin who likes messing with her big sister.
go tell philosophy to eat her gremlin food
by jawsay17 November 28, 2019
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