12 Black people walk in a bar. 5 minutes later they have gone full ape shit on the bar tender. then after raping the bartender they used his head to sodomize them selfs.
requis meet ta the gay bar in for an epic monkey gangbang downtown. remember no lube
by fecklord January 15, 2019
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A Non-Straight Gangbang is what happens when the girl leaves the gangbang early or doesn't even bother to show up. Your normal everyday gangbang becomes a non-straight gangbang when the guys who remain want to continue the "festivities." Hilarity ensues during the process of selecting the person who is the new one to be gangbanged.
Aging porn star Amber Waves left her gangbang wayyy to early and the remaining guys decided to have a non-straight gangbang.
by Amador the King November 22, 2021
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A bunch of methheads get naked under a bridge while reading Jesse Stuart novels and listening to billy ray Cyrus then once the ritual is complete they start banging in a hardcore manner
I was strolling by the ol bridge when I seen a good ol greenup county gangbang goin on then I became the ring leader
by Professor dickstain April 12, 2023
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A gangbang consisting of medical professionals.
Let’s invite that girl Amy to join the Caduceus Gangbang after target practice.
by Ace1345 September 13, 2021
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1) A new fetish porn popular with the kids.

2) Where an Amish woman has sex with multiple family members under woolen sheets
Did you see the new category on Porn Hub, Amish gangbang?
by Lauike69 March 8, 2021
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When a group of people call you racial slurs when you are all alone
1: negro
2: nigga
3: nigger
4: nigger
Victim: bruh chill wtf is this racial gangbang cuh
by Big Erected James October 7, 2023
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