The long pauses that occur between replies when texting or chatting with a friend on Facebook. This delay can be explained, after investigation, by their preoccupation with talking to their boyfriend/girlfriend, who is also online.
Friend One: Hey! How are you
8 minutes later.
Friend Two: Oh, hi. Sorry, distracted. I was talking to this boy.
Friend One: Relationship delay..
12 minutes later.
Friend Two: What?
by VioletPretzels March 13, 2012
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Making it home with ALL of your drive thru fries is the pique of winning and excellence in delayed gratifrycation.
I'm practicing delayed gratifrycation by abstaining from the french fries until I get home.
by fauxreal March 3, 2018
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The time period one puts between creating something with artificial intelligence and sending it to someone, in order to not raise suspicions on whether the product was AI-generated or not.
I'm gonna delai this article with 2 hours, so my manager will think I wrote it myself.

Have you delaied the presentation? Our client shouldn't know it was ai-generated.
by TheAthmospheralist August 29, 2023
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When you can't make it to an previous fixed time and you have to delay it for a bit.
Pinv.: We'll have to delay. I can't make at 6 cause mom it's still home and she'll be all up in our business. Somewhere around 7:30 works for you?
by Im7 October 11, 2023
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A word used as a term for when a Warframe content update is pushed back.
It stems from the name of Warframe's developers, Digital Extremes, abbreviated as DE, and DE's inconsistency with content release dates.
I would be playing the new open world area by now, but it got DElayed to next month!
by sebacostamr January 21, 2019
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Delay is Delay
Hello its@ me Delay :)
by DelayRl March 23, 2020
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A nigga in need of money at all times.If you see this man in the streets please tip him
a 20$ or if your feeling generous don’t be afraid to give bro a lil 100$ hard cash.
Yo that nigga delay cute Ngl .
by Jake Clubber November 21, 2021
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