A friend/bro/homie that warms up cooch for you to score with
Dude chuck is the worlds greatest cooch warmer. the guy can really get me laid
by Kachuck July 30, 2010
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A box warmer is a wool garment shaped like a purse. One strap hangs from your neck, while the other loops around through your legs to go around the back of your shoulders. In the front connecting the straps is a square piece of material, usually wool, to keep your unmentionables warm.
Usually worn on a chilly day under ones clothes
It was quite cold out this morning so I wore my box warmer
by Tuuuurd March 10, 2010
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a device for prtecting urself from sluts
me: that bitch made me wear a scrotom warmer.
by josefh October 2, 2007
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a hot chick
that rubs herself
on other dudes
when dancing.
this usually results
in a hard-on
that hot bitch has been rubbin on me all night
scrotom warmer
by .jase October 2, 2007
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someone who sits in the lap of guys to get their "attension"
guy1: that slut sat in my lap
guy 2:what a fucking scrotom warmer
by backers October 2, 2007
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Someone who farts so much, their contribution to greenhouse gas raises the average temperature of Earth.
Gavin ate chili. He's going to be a global warmer for two days.
by Ham So Low November 5, 2022
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