The one phrase which states quite clearly, the sarcastic way to finish an argument against something.
Said sarcastically or angrily, more or less, with a short burst of temper .
If someone doesn't like your opinion on anything, pretty much, this is said in huge retort to that, and pretty much defines your strong position to it.
"What? You don't like Zelda Breath of the Wild? Fine! Torches are on the left, pitchforks are on the right. Come and get me!"
by Adam-D June 7, 2020
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Slang phrase used to represent smoking a crack pipe
Do you want to go back to my place and the torch the coffee?

Do you mean smoke some crack?

by Old man willie October 26, 2018
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The day after a night of excessive drinking, Where you shit so many times that you feel like your ass whole has a torch lit on it.
Alex woke up this morning with torch ass and had to go to the hospital is but hole hurt so bad.
by Omaster25 March 9, 2015
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In WW2, Operation Torch was in the Autumn on 1942 when the Allies landed on occupied French colonies in North Africa and advancing rapidly until they met the Tunisian and Libyan holdouts of the Axis, it took them a couple of weeks to overrun the German and Italian defenses and the remaining troops failed to evacuate, leading to the surrender of the African campaign
Operation Torch along with Operation Uranus was the turning point of WW2
by AliTheAce August 4, 2023
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The Tiny Torches is the best band to ever play. Created in 2017, The Tiny Torches surpassed all other groups in overall talent, knowledge, ambition, and universal mastery in a matter of weeks. The Tiny Torches are an unmatchable group sent directly from the gods.
"Hey man have you heard of The Tiny Torches?"
"Fuck you."
by Savagetyler1991 March 27, 2018
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A torch emitting ultra violet (UV) or "black light". Allows the user to see things not necessarily visible to the naked eye.
Where's James?

Oh, he's cheking the bunkhouse out using the spaff torch
by Fatkid_13 October 30, 2021
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When one burns weed out of a tiki torch, therefor setting an aroma everybody can get high off of standing around it in a circle
Man you coming to the tweaky torch gathering this weekend? It’s gonna be lit
by Lilcaramel November 21, 2018
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