"Anyone from the Stephens family will smile at you as they tell you to fuck off." "I wouldn't talk to her, she's a Stephens and her brother has a short temper"
by Sawah21 August 16, 2021
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The art of arguing a minor detail, with such determination and bloody-mindedness, that others begrudgingly relent to submission rather than endure the torment of proving otherwise.

Looking for potential loopholes in the rules of a game for ones own betterment.
Oh wait, you don't agree with the given answer just because yours is different - here comes a Stephenism!
by Weekly Quiz May 17, 2022
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He is really good in fortnite he made me lose lots of health when I tried to rocket ride
Stephen He is good fortnite player he let Jeffrey die for his guided missle
by my name is bobby April 5, 2018
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hot kid who is tall and athletic and acts like he likes u but has a girlfriend lol anyways but they will end and you guys will date because he said ur pretty so he basically loves u
hey my name is stephen and i think you are pretty
by gary the good looking potato November 1, 2018
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Probably the nicest person you'd ever meet. He's a good friend that always looks out for you no matter what. And despite him not being happy 24/7 he always keeps a smile. We all love him too bits and can't live without a person like him. He's the best person to have as a friend. He's the best noob. Love you noob <3
Stephen's a noob-
by I3lvvdy April 11, 2020
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A Stephens is, essentially, a micropenis, or, at the very least, a penis which is more than half bellend (glans).
Girl 1: He is sooo cute.
Girl 2: Yeah, but I bet he's got a proper Stephens.
by DrunkenHemorrhage March 31, 2018
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