SIMBA: brown pubes uncut
NALA: bald pubess
SCAR: hairy black pubes
"hey man, do you have A simba, nala, or a scar?"
"i have a scar"

"damnnnn. your hairy and manly man"
by sexgodhitmesohard May 21, 2010
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Australian slang term for "what the fuck is going on?" Commonly used as a greeting in the same way as "what's up?"
"Hey man, how ya going?"
"Good man, fux scar non?"
by Boboddalot June 24, 2009
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the coolest person in the world and if u dont agree i dont give a fu...nevermind it just means the coolest person in the world ^^ or inuyashas main attack --_--;;
by someone >> April 14, 2005
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a scar on your forehead that hurts when mean people come towards you
*mean person walks over*
me: ahhhhh my harry potter scar is stinging like a bitch
by tom geyton June 29, 2007
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n. And injury sustained for a trip to a beach. Most common forms are sun burn, scrapes for seashells, or sand in the vagina.
No way am I going today, I haven't finished tending to my beach battle scars from last time.
by Straz 616 June 30, 2010
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When you stop dwelling on the wrongs others did to you and decide to forgive them, God wants to free you from any sense of blame, disgrace, or humiliation, and puts on you new labels like “Anointed,” “Valuable,” and “Masterpiece” to bless and reward you that you won’t remember the past injustices done to you.
The life of Joseph, as recounted in the Bible, who was thrown into a pit to die, then sold by his brothers to slavery, and later wrongly accused and imprisoned for not acceding to his boss’s wife’s sexual favors were some of his scars; however, Joseph’s ability to interpret dreams while in prison, his appointment by Pharaoh to rule over Egypt, and rescuing his own brothers from famine were some of his stars. Joseph was someone who went from scars to stars—from pit to prison to palace.
by Fasters July 19, 2022
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