Someone who is rad and likes to ride dads
Hey aaron your looking radical dadical
by Daddyraddy December 18, 2017
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Someone who holds misogynistic views towards women, but is trans-inclusive.

Someone who is trans inclusive radical misogynistic (TIRM) does not include being transgender into their beliefs. They only see if someone identifies as a man or woman.
"You hate trans women because they're transgender. I hate them because they're women and have cooties."

"dude. you got those trans inclusive radical misandry type of beliefs."
by robloxlover96 July 23, 2023
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Boy: Dude that was awesome sauce
Boy 2: ikr we need some radical rice to finish it off
boy: hell ya
by frostytips June 17, 2013
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Person: A guy who has no control over his life, and smokes weed on a weekly basis. If you insult him, he rape you inside out with his memes and roasts...
Radical gonna BLAST you today, he will fuck you up with his special attack; RADICAL BLAST
by mr.ruski June 5, 2017
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After the French Revolution and consequent dissolution of monarchies and establishment of republics, liberal-bourgeois democracy took over the world. Only a few men remained awake for the chaos to come. This group of men shall restore the high values lost in a world in dissolution. However, it is necessary to know how to use the flaws of the current system to do so. The revolution must come mainly from the cultural aspect, as the fight against the forces of evil can be ineffective due to the difference in hegemonic military and economic power. It is necessary to rescue traditional values using modern means for a great restorative alliance. Among its premises are: patriotism, national unity, military power, order, discipline, struggle for
survival, infiltration in influential circles, intellectual preparation to overthrow the Liberal and Marxist fallacies, the rescue of the real value of work, the affirmation of existence and the transcendent spirit.
Radical aristocracy is the transcendence of the highest souls.
by tradical July 2, 2023
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