a little understood profession by the public an advanced nurse praticioner or ANP is an individual who has completed graduate school for nursing and does very much the same job as a doctor but makes more and is payed by whatever company they work for instead of by the pateint from insurance companies. they can determine diagnosis and write perscriptions to treat pateints. in certain specalties they report to a doctor once a week so they can check the paper work.
hi, im a nurse practitioner, whats the problem
patient : when am i going to see the doctor
ANP: you wont ill be treating you
pateint: so your a doctor
ANP: no im a nurse pratitioner
pateint: so why am i not seeing a doctor
ANP: becouse i can give you the same treatment as a doctor, now what are you here for?
by ANPnurse January 4, 2010
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An event in your life that could result in a memory that would bring a smile to your face at some future date when your remember it.
Let the old geezer have his NHM (Nursing Home Moment), probably remember when he lost his virginity.
by AndyFM January 11, 2022
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A large, cookie cutter, cheaply made apartment building with all amenities included (gym, playroom, dog grooming center, etc). Millennial Nursing Homes cost $3,600 a month for a one bedroom unit, and that will go up by another $600 in a year. They are soulless structures with endless hallways, chosen for convenience and nothing else.
"I just got a new job in the city. I'm going to look for an apartment at the Millennial Nursing Home near the bus stop."
by chc69 November 15, 2022
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A person who is old AND stupid. They can be found at any local gas station, buying obnoxious amounts of lottery scratch-off tickets and holding up the line.
That stupid nursing home reject was driving 15 miles under the speed limit.
by kcdesert July 12, 2008
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A sham degree often obtained by mid-level providers with an inferiority complex towards physicians. Frequently entirely online and conferred by diploma mills. Degree completion requirements may resemble a middle or high school project (e.g. create a poster, create a pamphlet).

Midlevels enjoy obtaining this degree to obfuscate and inflate their true level of education and training (frequently as little as 500 hours), and deceive patientsby introducing themselves as 'a doctor' to unsuspecting individuals knowing patients believe a doctor in a medical setting will be a physician.
I am a mid-level who got my nurse practitioner license a year ago after 500 clinical hours, so excited to get my online doctorate of nursing practice in a few months and tell patients I'm a doctor!
by Gone with Thee Wind November 23, 2020
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A mythical 6 foot blonde nurse who works in Stockholm General Hospital, Sweden. Or just a ho in a nurse's costume in Kings Cross, London.

Whatever the condition her male patients might have, Nurse Helga Bumgames would administer a lingering and pleasurable anal probe for a modest fee.

Her popularity is the stuff of legend.
Swede 1: "Jah, though I had broken all my legsh and armsh, my shtay in veh hoshpital was great."
Swede 2: "I she you had the honour of being attended by Nurse Helga Bumgames."
Swede 1: "Jah!"
by Wizards Sleeve August 18, 2006
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alcoholic drink comprising of Bourbon and Milk, only suitable in the event of a lack of coke/pepsi for a regular bourbon & cola
i ran out of coke for my bourbon, so i made a Tenessee Wet Nurse instead, damn that shit was so good
by cobymorvfail July 26, 2010
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