i am dum
by jjjbooth March 12, 2022
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Slang used to call someone a dumbass but misspelled to make you the dumbass.
Person1: lol ur dum
Person2: hahaa dumbass
by smother her October 9, 2020
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Noun; one who is dummy thick. The most attractive yet stupid person in existence.
You're so dum.
by gkxjtdrisisiylcod May 22, 2020
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The better way to say Dumb, I say this for the people so get out there my people and show them all as a whole we spell it this way and were proud of it!! make urbandictionary great again!
by IS THAT REAL February 4, 2021
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The ultimate idiot. Not only used when someone does something ultimately retarted, but also when you can't stop shaking your head and uttering "meh" as in, this dumb @$^ fool!
Jenni: <breaks out in a stride into a building with no electricity>
Vickie: You dumb *&% , aint no power n dere plus it"s hott! DUM-MEEEEEEH!
by VickieD July 15, 2008
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