v. coop'er

1. To victimize another's moviegoing experience by revealing key plot elements before targeted individual can see the movie.

"Did you see Xmen 3?"
"No. Some douchebag at work totally coopered me and ruined the fucking movie."
by donkeypunchjr July 6, 2006
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When looking up cooperation, I found "the definition does not exist yet" which made me realize, there IS no cooperation on the internet...
Person 1: Dude, let's just use some cooperation and this site will be awesome!

Person 2: WTF n00b!
by ChelleBean March 25, 2011
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A traditional Australian greeting, referencing the South Australian beer of the same name. Can also be used to express gratitude.
Mate 1: "G'day!"
Mate 2: "Coopers!"
by BryanPeppers November 13, 2011
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a boy whose ego is the size of the sun, thinks he’s the shit, and always checks himself out in whatever reflective material he finds.
Marty: “Why is that kid looking at himself in a random chicks sunglasses?”
Charles: “That’s just a Cooper
by NymmyDrummer March 20, 2019
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When a male producer chooses the easier of the female production assitants to go on a production shoot, even when she has less experience
I asked him if he needed a PA and he chose her over me, I was totally coopered
by J--K May 22, 2006
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1- someone without a sense of humour

2- someone without any friends

3- someone who is unco

4- someone who has no real abilities

5- someone who will (or has) not do/done anything with their life

6- someone who is all 5
1- that emo is a real cooper

2- doug has no friends, he is such a cooper

3- GOD, why do we have Jeff on our team, he is such a cooper

4- brad thinks he is good a art, but he is such a cooper.


6- I hate you cooper your such a fucking cooper!!!!
by Goth At War July 6, 2006
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