An appropriate response anytime someone (or a group of someones) intentionally leaves you out of a situation or goes out of their way to diss you.
Friends: We all took a shot while you were in the bathroom
Me: Fuckin Cheaters!
Friend: I stole your game of pool when you weren't looking.
Me: Fuckin Cheater!
by drdouglasp March 31, 2005
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national cheaters day is November 16th , on this show love , appreciation , & expose the ones who stepped outta their relationship for you
“tomorrow is national cheaters day & im finna post sarah ass to show her boyfriend
by luvvajass October 3, 2021
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Video game cheaters Fucking bitches who deserve to be tortured, sentenced to death and tortured again in hell. Fuck them. They really dont deserve to live. Noone loves them because they are fucking losers who suck at life. I really just want to stab them multiple times in the body then slice them up. Fuck hackers! Fuck them! They dont deserve to be here on Earth! Fuck their assholes!!! FUCK BITCHED HACKERS FUCK HACKERS AND THEIR STUPID ASSED FACE. FUCK SHIT NIGGA!!!!!!
Video game cheaters: talks
Everyone: Fuck you! Noone likes you! You dont deserve to live Fuck hackers! Fuck them! They dont deserve to be here on Earth! Fuck their assholes!!! FUCK BITCHED HACKERS FUCK HACKERS AND THEIR STUPID ASSED FACE. FUCK SHIT NIGGA!!!!!! FUCK SHITTT BITVHHHHHHXHMXuiaoekejejwwooq9101iwiwsdkdkckf,2ujze2nzy
by MinceFuck Cycle February 4, 2022
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A friend or s/o that secretly watches a tv/Netflix show without you present.
"You're such a Tv show cheater, we were supposed to watch that together!"
by TheLightiningBoltz April 2, 2017
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Gaming Related. A simple question posed by someone to ask how to do something that is known in the community as a cheat. Or a sarcastic reply to a innocent question.
<newnewb> Anyone know if you can bind a Rocket Jump Key ?
<progod1> y cheat cheater???
<progod2> y cheat cheater
<progod1> lowest of the low
<progod2> scum
<newnewb> Shame.

<newnewb> how do you bind fire?!!
<progod1> OMFG!!?"2!!111ONEONE1one! y cheat cheater!!!"!"!"!£
<progod2> die!!!?"!!!
by ksp October 20, 2005
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