when your french amigo is incapable of understanding what is going on/being said
oh i went up the apple and pears

i dont know what that means, i am too baguette for this
by bobconcarni November 4, 2023
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When you randomly buy a baguette and then after a drunken night of inappropriately prodding people in their buttholes and privates with it you let an unsuspecting friend eat it.
I can’t believe Shan ate that rusty baguette this morning! Dude I had that thing in so many butts last night!
by Scottydoes213 February 28, 2021
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You and your friend fill 2 condoms with your own poop, until they become really hard and stiff. Then you start having a sword fight with them. Whose condom breaks first and lets out the contents loses and shall be ashamed.
Adam and Tommy had a baguette fight yesterday. It was funny and messy at the same time.
by Csokiskuki March 6, 2020
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French person who comes from Africa, pretends to be French enough to not be kicked out of Paris. Often black, sometimes white.
Rory is such an African Baguette, speaking in French despite being Zimbabwean.
by geekyd August 3, 2019
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Mostly used from the Londonsworld squad, this is referring to London (the main character's)'s huge dick.
"I love lon baguette it so long mm mm"
by Cendy Cupdevil August 9, 2019
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