A jive turkey is a person who talks a lot of shit and never can back it up. A mouthy little punk often by the name of Alex.
Girl don't pay no attention to him. He just another jive turkey.
by NotSoRoyalPrincess October 18, 2018
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When a girl is trying to take a shit after eating thanksgiving and you stick your dick into her, pushing it back in
Hey Chris, my girl was wanting to be freaky last night after thanksgiving, so we decided to go and re-stuff the turkey
by Blueface69 October 21, 2019
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The act of inserting deli meat (preferably turkey) into your partners vagina or anus, while having them refer to you as Abe.
Deli Clerk: Next please!
Customer: Hi, may I please have a half pound of your honey glazed turkey sliced from super thick to super thin, and every thickness in between?
Deli Clerk: Uhh, sure, no problem. If you don’t mind me asking, why the different thicknesses?

Customer: My partner and I are trying this new trend called the Lincoln Turkey. Admittedly we don’t know what thickness will work best, so that’s why I need your help.
by Lettucechestershire October 27, 2023
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For a man to have his penis go limb when he see's someone who is sexually attractive.
Tom had a Jerky Turkey when he saw jessica Alba in a bikini.
by LolzMan101 September 6, 2011
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To insert your penis into a meal. Usually turkey.
Don’t hog the turkey dad! Also don’t eat it all.
by DeclanThaddius December 9, 2020
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