An evil creature that can never be detected. Hiding in the shadows feeding of the attention it craves.
WARNING: do not leave any cats or dogs around this creature, any animal for that matter. It will gobble it up in one go
Person 1: I havent seen Marians dog in a while
Person 2: it was probably eaten by a Jenny Jackson
by User1234564949 October 20, 2020
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He is a sweetheart, cute, kind, loving, misunderstood, and he likes to fidget, mainly with a pencil or pen, he also likes to pretend to play drums and he looks cute doing it. He is sensitive sometimes but doesn't show it, he can make a girl laugh when he smiles or laughs. He makes a girl feel special, his neck looks kissable and his lips look soft and kissable and his touch is like an ocean. He is scared of getting judged but nobody judges him. He has a cute booty and a great smile, he has this charming adorable face. His voice is calming and playful, and his laugh is comforting and playful. He knows how to treat a lady right, he has a specific choice in friends. He can make people laugh a lot. He is very playful and he is smart but doesn't show it. He is unique to me. He is very caring and when he gets mad it takes a lot to get him happy and laughing. He is cute when he is happy, laughing, sad, mad, confused, and he has kinda like a "baby face" as people call it. He is like a cuddle bunny, he is the greatest man I have ever seen and I love him a lot and when u meet him, it is hard to get him out of your mind!!! If I were playing smash or pass, I would definitely smash, no hesitation!!!
Juliya: Who's that dude?
Katie: That's Miingan Jackson

Juliya: Dang!! He is hot, and that smile!! He is so cute, and his neck looks so kissable!! Hehehehe
by Niviyah November 12, 2017
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A nice kid that smokes crack and sometimes meth. They really like meth
Hey want some crack Jackson Gross, “sure I’ll take some crack”
by Koolkidkeel March 29, 2019
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A plastic surgery procedure where a white person is turned black
Guy 1: DUDE! What did you do to yourself!?
Guy 2: I had a Jackson Michael procedure done, do you like it?
Guy 1: *faints*
by Metallicajunkie May 2, 2020
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A breed of chicken from northern England, highly affectionate but lacks common sense. Ginger feathers, spends around 80% of its life sleeping
I bet that Kieran Jackson is delicious with a bit of Cajun seasoning
by Bish-w-da-b-b-bush June 3, 2017
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