Sonja looks so high. I suspect that she's been smoking that devil's lettuce.
by NellenV. August 5, 2020
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Somehow receiving red pubic hair in one's mouth. Often this would occur during oral sex.
From one woman to another. "When I was drunk I went down on this redheaded guy. I stopped and pulled a long fire-y out of my mouth. He laughed and said 'Got ya some of my devil's floss did you?' I looked at him and said 'yes! Why does it taste like peanut butter?'"
by zjme October 19, 2009
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Someone with incredibly cold feet
Dominic had hooves of the devil and placed these on Lois' leg when he got into bed
by DontCallMeGoose April 11, 2021
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To have or provide an alibi so airtight it would remove all doubt and vindicate even the devil.

See also Devil's Advocate , Devil's Plea
Tom: Hey Joe! Did you steal my stereo?

Joe: No way dude. It wasnt me.
Tom: How can I believe you after you stole all my porno's?
Joe: How about the fact we are currently standing in an airport next to a plane I just unboarded which came from Canada where I have spent the last 3 years? Is that a Devil's Alibi enough for you?
Tom: Hmm....yeah I guess so...
Joe: Oh and also I have the new HDDVDHDFDHD 9001 Nexus iOne at home you can come look for yourself
Tom: Yeah yeah I get it.
by notyourfiend August 15, 2019
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When you cum in the butt and it drips to the pussy and impregnates her.
My son was born from the devils drip.
by Mrs..Wright August 5, 2023
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