Derogatory term for women who caress/attempt to hug men who are sitting in a dark room playing/watching other men play video games (i.e. Rocket League)
Kylie and Eve are such Rocket League Watchers. They are disgraces to women’s suffrage.
by ih8rocketleague April 3, 2021
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In tarot culture

When you watch a reading to find something out about someone else from their signs perspective.
“My ex is an Aries so I cross watched the Aries reading.”

“I’m an Aquarius but I’m watching Leo’s reading because that’s my friends sign, I’m cross watching by watching Leo.”

“She’s a cross watcher. She watches other people’s signs.”
by skyguy777 October 25, 2023
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One who eats dookie and floats into the sunset thinking about his last meal.

”That Bootywatcher forgot his manners and he stinks to he eats ass on daily Karin says”
Booty watchers can become dangerous if not given food also they choose to make bad choices and will murder you over the last plate.

Booty watchers can run fast and snatch you up out of hiding places and can become fierce n sweaty n can take ones booty
That Bootywatcher forgot his manners and he stinks to he eats ass on daily Karin says”
Booty watcher Booty watchers can run fast and snatch you up out of hiding places and can become fierce n sweaty n can take ones booty
by MrtheMan50 December 22, 2019
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Someone who constantly keeps his finger on the pulse of the community by watching activity logs.
If not for log watchers, we would have never known the trouble users were having at the Urban Dictionary!
by UD February 28, 2002
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Dream Watcher is a fathered child That likes watching dream
Hi I like watching dream which means I'm a dream watcher
by August 13, 2022
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