Sticking just the tip of your Dick in another mans ass.
My buddy LSN went warning track last night on some new guy to see if he liked it.
by ITFT August 19, 2021
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something very “aesthetic” which is a compilation of memes or clips or funny videos or random stuff in the term aesthetic warning with the ⚠️ emoji and uses the term TW or trigger warning
have you seen this aesthetic warning, its so aesthetic
by midgen;-; June 22, 2023
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10/3, you can get warned for anything that you say that can break the rules.
Usually Warnings happen like this,
Moderator 1: Omg!! Warned

This is what happens on Warning Day,
Moderator 1: Permanent Ban!!~~
by Urmomgayyayya October 4, 2021
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To have a heart attack. Something Gen Z need to be concerned about with their current health habits.
Holy shit someone had four fuckin Red Bulls and Shane Warned in my math class!
by helloitsunknown August 15, 2022
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1) The sound your asshole makes to let you know that you have approximately thirty seconds to find the nearest open toilet before you shit your pants and embarrass yourself.

2) Quips mainstream media reporters use to set up a narrative the presiding governmental administration needs you to believe and adide by.
1) "Unfortunately I ignored my warning shart, ruining everyone's dinner and my relationship with..."

2) The senator from New York is an expert in pandemic response, and is here to discuss (insert approved narrative).
by EdMyerR April 7, 2023
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That last emission of pump gas before rhe onset of Monkey Toe. So unspeakably pungent it can only mean the next shot will be live ammunition.
"Good Lord Nelson, that surely must have been the final warning shot. The stench from that last trouser cough has me in fear for your britches. The next will surely be live! "

"Noted Hardy, I believe the monkey has formulated an escape plan. Even now I feel his toe pushing at my clackervalve to begin his attempt."

From The diary of Lord Horatio Nelson at the Battle of Trafalgar.
by Rory Grue January 3, 2023
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An underground skate thrash band from Emmett, Idaho. Known for their grimey guitars, razor sharp screams, and their ability to play around 200 beats per minute. Also appreciated and criticized by some for their anti-violent lyrics and drug free stance. They have adopted the genre name "Peace Punk."
I hate violence but love punk rock! "then go listen to local warning."
by RuskeAilgur September 4, 2009
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