The mature way to say a women has large breasts.
Example 1;
guy 1: Did you see those huge tits?
guy 2: Dude those were some Tig-O-Bitys.
Example 2;
Katelyn has some Tig-O-Bitys.
by main attraction man November 8, 2011
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Tig Welded is generally used as an insult to describe something being stuck to something or addicted.
If you're playing a game and someone is cheating you can say they're "tig welded" to their chair.

This would insinuate that the user has bad hygiene and never leaves his chair.
This kid is tig welded to his chair, he is hacking on roblox.
My friend is tig welded to Tetris because I swear thats all he plays.
by Zekro_3300 October 4, 2023
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A booty, not a lil booty, but a BOOTY.🍑
Damn girl u got a phat tig.
by Veebounce June 15, 2019
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Tig is an inter-junction that can be used for any greeting, response, constructive criticism or other conversation. Commonly used when one or more person(s) wishes to use a general phrase that acknowledges other person(s) without a direct meaning.
Person 1: "Hey guys, how you going?"

(A group of three friends all turn towards person 1, and nod) "Tig."


Person 1: "My wife left me earlier this week, I'm a drunken wreck and haven't got much hope left in this life."

Person 2: "Tig."
by HecklerRommel July 22, 2018
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a KNJR whore, who gets fucked around all the time; basically a "Randi".
yo i banged Tig and her fiancee last night, it was fun!
by FlurBuffy October 10, 2020
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A stupid dumb school where you pay more money for less school time. All the teachers say you are smart even when you are an autistically retarded person. Literally everyone by year 12 isn't virgin anymore.
hi i go to tigs.
that is sooooo sad
by TIGS ARE PIGS January 12, 2019
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Jit I’ll holler at you later I’m bout to tig.
by JungleJuice859 November 14, 2018
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