Liquid shitting yourself
"Dude I think I just got lit."
"Shit, I think I'm gonna light."
"Is that lit running down your leg?"
by hotchick69_420 May 3, 2015
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When something is/was fun, cool, awesome e.t.c...
Hey did you go to that bangin' party yesterday

Yea! It was lit
by ItsLit🔥 August 15, 2016
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My friend Kerrianna is a LIT.

Your mom is a LIT.
by Litface June 8, 2010
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verb: In CS:GO, the amount of damage a player deals to an enemy player after being killed, usually communicated over in-game comms to teammates
Player 1: (sprays and prays mp7, then dies pathetically, sees "Damage given: 69")
Player 1: "Damn it, I lit him 69"
by Tcobli February 11, 2016
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Another meaning for the word cool.
Guy 1: hey are you at the party ?
Guy 2: yeah you should come, it's lit!
by Kailhn February 29, 2016
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Lit is an adjective to describe something as being "turnt up" or "off the hook". It is normally used with "af" directly after to emphasise the litness of an event.
"My nipple hair is lit" ~ William Hickey
by Mklyons September 4, 2016
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Lit is mainly used to describe how high you are when you’re smoking weed. For example, if you were to smoke a whole blunt to yourself, you would be the most lit person at the party. It’s also used to describe being really drunk as well. To illustrate, if you were to see someone beer bonging a whole 4Loko, chances are they will scream out, “I’m lit!” afterwords. Last and but not least, the word lit can be used to describe any place or event as a good time. Most young adults these days would typically call a bar, house party, or a music festival lit. Essentially anywhere with alcohol, marijuana, or drugs is referred to as being lit, as long as they are having a good time. Although, you can also use the term if you’re sober to describe you having a good time.
"I drink 10 beers and smoked three blunts! It's lit!!!!"
by ljsgwc October 3, 2016
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