As defined by: a level of excellence achieved by a group, or individual.
"You've reached Radicality, congratulations"
by Mr Blue August 16, 2012
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Radical Sauce - It's even better than Awesome Sauce!
Billy Zane: Man...PROTOTYPE 2 is going to be Awesome Sauce!

Nancy Reagan: No Billy, it will be even better than Awesome will be Radical Sauce!!!

Billy Zane: (gets down on hands/knees and bows) Forgive me master...

Nancy Reagan: It's kiss the ring bitch, and then take me back to pound town!
by THE Dr. Manhattan January 28, 2011
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Being constipated. Having hard poo and being unable to take a shit.
I.e 'ooh I've got the radical clay i think may need laxatives'

'Your walking rather stiff, is the old radical clay bothering you?'.
by Strictly starkly derbyshire January 14, 2015
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The practice/mindset of almost anyone being able to be a homie. It also includes being very open and willing to make new homies.
I’m scared to talk to Ike, do you think he’ll like me?”

“Don’t worry, he practices Radical Homieism, he’s always down to make new homies.”
by Start999 November 9, 2023
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A mutant Pelican that was made in a lab and they have to go on crazy adventures to solve the worlds craziest issues.
Yo you see that Radical Pelican Ninja yesterday.
by True Man the third February 27, 2023
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A sufer term. A very powerful wave. A very wild tide wave
Dude that wipe out was Radical Ratchet!
by Baylien Culture December 22, 2021
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