Where upon a tounge contacts the anus and one let's forth a furiously spicy blast of buttwind thus causing the recipient to convulsively projectile vomit.
Last night I had this broad tossin my salad and I gave her a Rusty Jake Brake.
by Fred Rusty June 3, 2007
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When a guy is getting close to orgasm and he asks his lady to finish him off with a hand job, it's called "pulling the Jake Brake". This is done in remembrance of his buddy Jake who's not getting laid at the moment.
Mike was fucking Amber and was close to cumming. He told Amber to "Pull the Jake Brake" baby, I'm giving you a new hair do. She finished off the Jake Brake and ended up with a face fool of cum.
by Robert MacDonald January 22, 2017
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The person: "Pappy" (Man or Woman)
The behavior: "Brake-happy" (Putting on the brakes too frequently and often un-necessarily).

This behavior is often displayed when behind the wheel of (any) automotive device.
"Oh no, I've got a 'Brake-happy Pappy' in front of me!"

"There goes the road! A 'Brake-happy Pappy' is amongst us!"
by heartley99 May 14, 2010
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Brake light punishment is what happens when a driver of a car in front of you feels you are too close to them and they put on the brake lights as punishment. The way you can tell if you have been Brake light punished is that there is no other car in front of the car in front of you or there is a wide empty space in front of the car in front of you. Brake light punishers are controlling people with low self esteem and abuse others because they have no life and are big stupid losers.
Man, I just got Brake light Punishment from that ass hole in front of me. That fucken loser!
by *Dr Dave December 27, 2010
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Having sex right before you brake up. The brake up usually occurs after both parties have orgasmed.
Guy 1: my girl and I had brake up sex last night but at least I got to fuck her one last time .
Guy 2: bro that sucks, did you at least get to finish though?

Guy 1: yeah of course.
Guy 2: nice
by Skullcruncher23 June 23, 2017
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when you feel shit is slumpin or people are actin like zombis n shit.
just in general when things are stopping you from having a good time
yo this club is slow blood, le's brake it up son let's state da brake
by shade tha crook May 14, 2003
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You're in the midst of a breakup and feel like a different person. You find yourself spending a lot of time longing for your ex, constantly checking her Facebook updates, and wondering what went wrong. This shift in patterns of thought and behavior may be caused by neural changes that occur after a breakup.

Neuroimaging studies have found that being rejected, even by a stranger, activates many of the same regions in the brain as when experiencing physical pain. In one study, biological anthropologist Helen Fisher of Rutgers University recruited brave participants who held still in a functional MRI scanner while they looked at pictures of the person who had recently dumped them. These participants exhibited increased brain activity in several regions associated with reward, motivation, addiction and obsessive-compulsive disorder, which helps to explain why you might struggle to let go after a romantic relationship ends.
Brain brake up when you start to understand the reason behind the pain it becomes educational 😀
by ... Zjdbckdnznsjd September 22, 2019
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