The Nerd raced through the exam and got a high-score LIKE A BOSS
by mrlolbow May 28, 2012
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One who plays Competitive Pokemon well.
The nerd reached #1 on the Shoddy leaderboard and is a moderator at Smogon.
by Dragonphantom November 16, 2009
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A lanky person who wears bottle bases for glases and has a kinda whimpy laugh, often aspires to take over the world in some geeky way... Often not even clever just kinda the opposite end of fashion victim.
Nerd "Nyah with my shuperlasher i vill shoot everyone who laughed at my braces dead!" *dribbles*
by Pasty hater! March 14, 2005
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Future leaders and soon to be millionaires.

If you're making fun of a nerd for being smart, several decades down the road, you'll probably be begging to be employed as a janitor in that very same nerd's flourishing company.

The fact that the term "nerd" is an insult is a reflection of high school stupidity. It should be a compliment. Being a nerd means that you're a super smart person who has a lot of knowledge to contribute to society.
Jock: "What a nerd."
Nerd: "I guess that means you wouldn't like to be employed in my upcoming start-up, hmm? I was thinking of developing a search engine called 'Google.'"
Jock: "Wow, that's super lame. Shut up." *punches nerd*

20 years later...
Nerd: Hm. As if.
by Esterleth March 20, 2015
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This word is attached to girls named Nikki, Rebecca, Julia, and Francine. Also, men named, Tedd, Phillip, Gordo, and Ken. It is when these people are finding themselves enjoying their "social time" in Libraries reading to themselves. This is the number one quality to a nerd. Also, people who do not like Star Trek.
Hey, I am going to really spend some quality time in the library being social like a NERD.
by Sidekicker July 15, 2014
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Anyone who calls you that is just jealous cause they ain’t smart probably got 12 on their third grade spelling test.
Bully- NERD!
Smart Guy- yes I am sumāto, thank you for observing that.

Bully- ...
by AnnieGirl66 November 22, 2019
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