FOB, stands for: Fresh Off the Boat. Korean people who just came from Korea and usually only group with other FOBs, and do not try to adapt to the American society. FOBs are usually picked on Twinkies.

Anyonym: Twinkie
Your Fobbyness is rubbing on me.
by Drolloc November 9, 2005
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Stands for Fresh Off The Boat. Usually used to describe islanders who don't speak English well. Their first language is foreign, so when they speak English, it is very broken and incoherent. Most mix up B's and P's, and V's and F's. They leave out words in sentences when they talk, or when they type/text.
Your FOBness is showing.
by Fobmastuhh808 July 21, 2010
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after stealing his idea and pawning it off as his own, jim essentially fobbed steve.
by kevj May 6, 2008
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term used by asian americans to make fun of other asian americans that are less popular and show of thier culture
Yo son look at that fob, he got oil on his hair
by suck my vinder February 14, 2005
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fall out boys, uncontrolable side burns, usually at or past the bottom of the ear. usually from the lack of shaving.
person 1: you see soj's sideburns
person 2: yeah he has mad FOB'S now
by Ryan Bottary May 15, 2006
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you could say to some one who is anoying you "FOB OFF GIT!!!"
by ******* ***** May 4, 2008
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To be obsessed with the band fall out boy.
When doing up ones home page, if you have it all to do with fall out boy, you might say your page is fobbed. the word was invented by mairead and quickly spread around
mairead: im looking for a Fall Out Boy you have one?
shoona: uh why do you need one?
mairead:i want my page to be completely fobbed
by Mairead aka Skye September 17, 2007
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