Something, or someone (we don’t discriminate here) that erupts a certain feeling within you. People describe it as a volcanic feeling- not getting too descriptive here.

Like when you have a magnum ice cream…almond flavour of course

Or when you grab a hold of 2 organic chocolates for the price of 2

In all seriousness though, a tingle in the dingle is a feeling reserved for that special someone that makes you forget what your last name is…because you want theirs.
Clara: I just, i don’t know if i like him- you know?
Veronica: Well…does he give you a tingle in the dingle
Clara: No…he gives me the heebeejeebees

Veronica: You need therapy Clara.
Clara: Shut up, I do not. I just…ugh don’t even get me started on that last name. I mean, who knew last names could be so sexy
by Okay74REAL June 1, 2022
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Hym "Hey! I do get brain tingles! But um.... I don't know 🤷 I hope not. I don't generally orchestrate clown assassinations like that... Like... My clown army should be bringing people to my lair so I can use them to lure Batman to me. That's not how this is supposed to work. 🤷 I mean, yeah it's better than being almost homeless. I learned that if I get evicted I will lokely be unable to get an apartment ever again and that's... um... Good to know I guess. Uh, I mean things are still pretty much the same here. Everyone I meet knows everything I do as I do it so that's a little disconcerting. Family is still shit. I won't hear from them until April and when I get there it's going to be no different than losten to my coworkers talk shit.... Except with booze. Which is objectively better. Yeah, you know, I would do the Patreon thing but it would be weird for me to be like 'Hey guys! I'm Hym! Do you know who Hym is? The most prolific writer of the modren age? That's me! I'm the guy!' and it just kind of defeats the purpose of what I'm doing here.... I appreciate you though👍"
by Hym Iam February 12, 2023
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A kiss so good that it leaves your lips tingleing. Only the best kissers can kiss with tingle factor.
Person 1: Is Dan a good kisser?
Person 2: He's better than good, he's got tingle factor!
by ChocolateCoveredEskimo February 14, 2012
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A phenomenon one gets when a stock contained in the Zack Morris Index begins to climb as stated by @MrZackMorris himself. One does not have to see it happening to experience the Tingle.
I experienced a penis tingle when $STRN went to $15 today. I stopped working out and checked my account to find that my balance had doubled. Zack called it yet again.
by Skank_Bacon January 6, 2022
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The feeling or sensation you get before you take a dump.
After eating a particularly spicy bowl of chili, Bob stood up and gave his wife a knowing wink. He was headed to the bathroom. The Doodie Tingles told him it was time to put in work.
by sevenxchamps2000 June 1, 2020
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When the pussy feels so good you get the tingle bobblers
That pussy made gave me some tingle bobbler
by Kyle t o d d August 28, 2020
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When you find yourself with a small itch on or around your genitals, taint, or turd cutter, and realising it may need immediate attention. So you give it a quick swipe with a finger or two, followed by a nonchalant secret sniff. checking for how long it’s been brewing.
Danielle: Oh my gosh did you see that chick when she came off of the dance floor all sweaty and repulsive looking?

Grant: She totally just took a tingle swipe and I got it on video!
by SpellingVee July 4, 2020
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