Oh yeah shit my guys that's pretty bad. I see how you would think that that is my fault.... Buuuut...
Hym "Oh who that seems like a pretty egregious case of reverse religious persecution. That's what you get for being too much better than everyone shit-brain. Hahaha! Oh-boy-oh-jeez This is like that time in DC where the fated battle between Orion and Darkseid finally takes place (I think it's Infinite crisis?) And Darkseid is, like, aware of the prophecy and shoots a magic gun... Into the future... To shoot Orion as Orion kills Darkseid... And Darkseid... Positions himself in such a way... That it leads him to fall ON TOP OF the DC universe... That was tight. This is like that. Except I'm not dead... And Orion is STILL dead... And I just stand back up and fart as I walk way from the freshly destroyed Universe..."

Iam "Oh shit wow... That is spooky. My bad."
by Hym Iam August 7, 2023
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A Religious Hypocrite is an Athian that tells christians that their isn't any god, yet they believe in him them-selves.
Athian: God doesn't exist!
Atheist: Yeah! God sucks.
Athian: Don't be so mean, god is all loving..
Atheist: *confused*
Atheist: Dude, that's being a religious hypocrite.
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Someone who has a background in religion but does not practice fully and is skeptical about said religion
I am borderline religious when it comes to the Bible because I don’t know if I believe all of it!
by Elizabeth Sharee February 20, 2021
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The processes by which society establishes new norms, expectations, and standards, and in some cases existing norms and standards are replaced, in regards to what is and is not acceptable in religious settings. These processes happen in various settings including schools, colleges, businesses, churches, news channels, state governments, federal governments, and homes. These processes can greatly impact how people think, act, and behave in various religious situations.
Yuliana: I wish more religions would be more supportive of giving women equal rights and protections.
Winston: Regrettably that may take a while to occur, the amount of time in which religious normalization occurs in many religions is relatively slow. It could take many years for those types of changes to happen, but the process might be accelerated if more national governments gave women equal rights to men, which would help pressure them into doing it.
Yuliana: I just wish it would happen faster.
Winston: We can always hope that some day more religions will be more supportive of women’s right.
Yuliana: I agree. Hopefully some day more of them will.
by Vanguard 1998 May 1, 2021
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Aka. R.A.S.P.; When an individual is only sexually attracted to people who practice same religion as them
Janice is a devout Catholic and she is only sexually attracted to people who also actively practice Catholicism. She has a religiously aligned sexual preference.
by Vanguard 1998 April 5, 2021
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Unlike what most dumbasses will tell you, religious pluralism is not the idea that ever religion is correct, but instead the idea that anyone can attain spiritual enlightenment no matter what religion they were raised to believe
(Average televangelist who probably only does it for the money): Religious pluralism can’t be true! Islam and Christianity believe two different things about Jesus, therefore I have the right to force my fundamentalist religious zeal on others!
Blake (very cool guy): Bro stfu
by Urbandefiner1888 February 20, 2022
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A form of child exploitation used by religious groups that know that no sane adult would choose to join their pedophile cult and supremacy group to physiologically abuse impressionable children to the point of mental illness(religious trauma syndrome) so they grow up with no critical thinking ability and are unable to make their own decisions or form an identity without the constant fear of god shutting down their thoughts and instincts.
As one of Satan's chosen ones, I will continue to fight for the recognition and criminalization of religious indoctrination abuse to save western society from the biggest form of child abuse in the world.
by 36368876 March 24, 2023
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