Nickelback stands for a very very cheap (a nickel) prostitute with missing teeth. It perfectly fits the quality of a band also called nickelback. The german version of the word is "Hartgeldnutte".
Your mom released me from a lot of old sperm and I payed her 5 skittles for it. She is a real nickelback.
by G-ROUGH April 17, 2022
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Having sex with a person an and blast ur hot steamy sticky cum in the booty for only a nickel
Oh yeah I picked up a girl on the streets and we had a nickelback
by R u feeling it now mr crabs December 3, 2019
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A band that people only hate because the Internet told them to do so.
Why do people hate Nickelback?
by Someone who kinda exists April 9, 2023
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A band people only hate because the Internet told them to.
"Why do we hate Nickelback?"
"We just do."
by Someone who kinda exists August 9, 2023
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Nickelback; another word for calling something mid, or not that good
"Man this pizza is pretty nickelback."
"That girl is pretty nickelback."
by SlumpedOvr October 31, 2022
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The most brutal, violent, satanist band you’ll ever see or hear. Their lyrics would make the toughest metalhead throw up and gouge their eyes out. Their sound is so brutal it makes your ears bleed. They say that if you say Nickelback three times in the dark Satan itself will appear, and will tell you:

« Look at this picture. »

What happens next is unknown, but if the person survives they must put uncooked Ramen on their heads for three days or else they die an horrible death. Cannibal Corpse is a pussy band compared to the unholy visceral beast that is Nickelback. No band will EVER be as underrated and violent as Nickelback.

...Shit, I said the name three times. It’s dark.
« Nickelback is trve metal. Haterz are fockin poserz. »
by Individual of Truth October 20, 2019
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Stuck between a Janney and an Ashley, singing karaoke, bumming menthols, drinking well liquor, and chasing with funfetti cupcakes.
Bro, we totally had ourselves a Nickelback sandwich last night.
by SandiestOrb April 21, 2019
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