the only man on earth that has a ring that gives him power.
the joke is men when they are married they have no power and green lantern has power
by some kid took my name February 3, 2020
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It’s a korean meme which is mocking the green lantern movie. It is used when blockbuster movie is failed
Fantastic four was shining lantern(반지닦이).
by 화살촉11 December 4, 2021
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When u smoke a blumpkin wile smoking a blunt
Dude1: i got the nicest blumpkin yesterday.
Dude2: It would of been better if it was a jack-o-lantern
Dude1: True.
by dontasky23 October 22, 2012
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Originating in a Tweet by @AuthorRKK, a fupa-lantern is the painting of a jack-o-lantern's face on the FUPA, or fatty upper pubic area. This can be painted on skin or over hideously unattractive orange pants, and is predicted to be wildly popular with basic bitches and the Karens who accompany them.
DId you see, Damon's mom's fupa-lantern? She certainly is in the holiday spirit this year!
by RK Knightly October 4, 2021
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A cancerous-ass weapon that every noob uses
Nub: Hey u using ghost lantern?
Me: No
Nub: Why?

Me: Cuz I ain't retarded
by CG_Kozispoon December 11, 2017
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When you are eating ass, and the girl lights a fart on fire in your face.
"Dude, your face is burned! What happened?"
My girl did a Rusty Lantern while I was eating her ass.
by The Hit Kitty February 1, 2023
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