A person that has devoted his or her life to praying to the only one and true god Kermit the frog.
One key figure of a true Kermit worshipper is knocking on a strangers door and gives out a pamphlet (usually in a Kermit voice but not always)
*Knock Knock*
Stranger: Hello?
Kermit Worshipper: H-hello missster do you have a moment to talk about the one true god Kermit the frog?
*Stranger Slams the door*
by Higginsworth May 19, 2018
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when you are so grumpy you do kermit grumpy squished up face
why are you kermiting right now?
by theurbangamer February 15, 2023
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two Kermit heads on the bottom with a long stick leading up to a giant Kermit head.

when you squeeze the heads at the bottom a needle pops out at the top head which can inject meme juice into someone instantly killing them
todd go shove a Kermit stick down your throat
by RamerRihno27 December 10, 2018
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Kermit is a very largely memed upon frogge that is very cool
“Kermit is very cool.”
by It’sFroggaebesties March 30, 2022
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Kermit is love Kermit is life.
by Odd_Noodle961 November 8, 2019
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Today we’re making Kermit drink the gay potion
by Just_a_Guy624 April 27, 2023
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