just a code for BUY ALL THE TOILET PAPER OR WE'LL GONNA di̶e̽͘e͛ͅe̖͆e̘̒̑ḛ̻͖eee̅e̠͙͛e͔ee̿ẽe̾̕e̡e̢̐e̘e̦͠ếèͅe̅e̩̯ͦe̓eee̳ͧḙͪ̏ee̘e
*siren noises* coronavirus
by twitch_user_datboi April 28, 2020
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Someone ate a bat and now all the toilet paper is gone, so is the hand sanitizer and baked beans..not the baked beans!
Fuck the coronavirus. Now I have to survive off sand paper and ramen till it's over >:(
by Almondd mylk April 16, 2020
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Nowadays you have two kinds of people in the way they think about the coronavirus, you have the ones that defend any mandate, rule or law the government suggests for them, and you have the people that defend the way they've always lived, no matter how exciting the new way they are being told to live might have seemed at first. The latter group hasn't been doing much fighting to get their voices heard though, just about all of what people are seeing and hearing on TV is dominated by the first group.
Just about anything people have heard about the coronavirus in the past year and a half seems designed to make them panic and surrendee control of their lives to an outside entity that they for some reason began to trust more than themselves to take care of them, even if taking care of themselves was never a major issue before 2020.
by The Original Agahnim September 15, 2021
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People are no more tolerant of the coronavirus this year than last. A lot of them just let an entity shock them into compliant behavior (though they are not six years old), and the initial shock is no longer there, which is why the entity starts to come up with new reasons why the virus hasn't been eliminated (such as more infectious or deadly mutations) yet every time people start to feel less on edge about it, and more like their old dysfunctional selves (the people that never needed a normal or a new normal).
The coronavirus has been a social experiment to control human behavior more than it has been anything else. Will people tolerate not being liberated from a wildfire that will run out of fuel at some point, or will they let any sense of rights they still have burn in it? People have no rights as long as they're not waking up or standing up.
by The Original Agahnim June 2, 2021
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Even a staggering number of deaths such as a couple hundred thousand is still a small number of the world's population, as a couple million is a small number of the world's population. A lightning strike or a shark attack is a real danger, it's not a hoax, and it is potentially deadly, but for how long does each person that watched the movie Jaws or Twister (or saw footage of one of these incidents on the news) let the risk dictate their entire future life (whether they go outside or in the ocean again). A year and a half into the pandemic, you would think people would wake up. For how much longer do you take every order, follow every mandate, and fall into every line you are told to? When will people realize that the darkest hour comes when they allow it by dreaming or sleepwalking instead of waking up and fighting?
The coronavirus can kill you, so can lightning, wild animals, diseases, other people, car accidents, falls, and an endless list of things you can go through life letting fear dictate what you do and don't do. A life not lived seems worse than getting sick, life is worth losing. By living every day, you are endangering yourself and other people, when you drive to work, you are potentially endangering yourself and other people, you are part of the problem like everyone else is, and it's unavoidable.
by The Original Agahnim September 3, 2021
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There are two kinds of people in the way they think of the coronavirus, there are the ones that defend every mandate, rule, or law an entity such as the government or healthcare makes, and there are the ones that defend life as it always was before the pandemic. As with any divide in society, there are going to be people trying to play all sides of any divide, pretending to be friendly with all while not really being friendly with any.
He/she saw dollar signs in the coronavirus while everyone else saw either no choice but to follow orders, or a fight to keep from losing everything.
by The Original Agahnim September 15, 2021
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